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Member Guest are you in?

We need your help to increase registration, we want to showcase the club to your guest. This shot gun start will be a complete entertainment experience, great golf, great prizes and great food. Come out and enjoy our Granite Springs Lite and Granite Springs Lager

Lessons ?

The Academy offers professional golf instruction taught by our PGA of Canada Head Professional. Whether you are looking for a single or series of lessons, private or group lessons, or even instruction for your corporate outing, our golf professional will deliver comprehensive and fun instruction that will help you play better golf. Instruction is available for all skill levels. Launch monitor technology, training aids, and a keen eye are at your disposal to help improve your game. We can train your body and your mind to play better golf.

To book or for any inquiries, please email us at: or call 902.852.3419 ext. 234 or 782.774.4653

Click on the button below that suits your needs or peaks your interest. We are here to assist and help lower your scores

Enter the 2022 US Open Pool, $10 entry fee, pick 4 players.

Ballots can be purchased in Pro Shop, deadline is June 15th.

Good luck!

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