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Congratulations to all the winners over the weekend as we held our annual club championship. The festivities began on the Thursday with the Champions Dinner, Par 3 and Deck Party on Friday night and main event on Saturday and Sunday.

An event like this requires much preparation and luck. Thanks to the golf gods for perfect weather on the weekend. Thanks to the Golf Maintenance Team for their hard work leading up the weekend, the course was in tremendous shape. Also thanks to the Golf Operations Team for all their preparation and tracking the live scoring. Last but not least, the Food and Beverage Team was ready to serve all weekend with some great food and cold beverages. Thanks to Fred Hill for assisting with the scoring each day.

We had a back-to-back winner in the Mens Division. Congratulations to Paul Fewer, defending his 2021 championship.

Sook Yoon was the Ladies Division. Sook defeated three others in a highly contested weekend.

Mark Franklin won the Senior title and was the clubhouse leader after round one in the Mens Divisions. Great weekend Mark!

Sue Bradley won the Senior Ladies title, she also contended down the wire in the Ladies Division, congratulations Sue!

Peppy Lavigueur won the Super Senior Title. Peppy has won this twice in the three year history of this event.

We started to compile photos from championship week on the website, link to photo gallery:

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